A*STAR SIPGA Scholarship

Location: Singapore

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The A*STAR Singapore International Pre-Gradu ate Award (SIPGA) is a prestigious scholarship designed to nurture bright international undergraduate and master's students with a passion for science and research. Administered by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore, this award provides an exceptional opportunity to work on cutting-edge research projects under the guidance of leading scientists.

Who Can Apply?

Application Procedure

  1. Visit the SIPGA application portal and fill out the required details.

  2. Prepare Required Documents:

    • A copy of your passport.
    • Academic transcripts (translated into English, if necessary).
    • Updated Resume or Curriculum Vitae.
  3. Browse the list of available SIPGA projects and select one that aligns with your interests.

  4. Upload all required documents and complete the submission process through the portal.

What Financial Support is Available?

Other Details
